Jankowo Foundation

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Concept and Production

The website of the service www.jankowo.org was created using open-source software and templates under the public GNU and GPL licenses. WordPress technology was used. To learn more about this open-source technology, visit the WordPress website. The site was created by fundacja@jankowo.org. More information can be obtained from the website's creator.

Photos provided in the Service are copyrighted by WordPress creators and Jankowo Foundation or Partners of the Jankowo Foundation. Any claims related to the infringement of copyright on photos should be directed directly to the Service Provider at fundacja@jankowo.org.

The appearance of the Service and the content published in the Service, including in particular content that consists of, regardless of form, among others, graphic materials, texts, logos, and the layout, or software ensuring its operation, are subject to protection under intellectual property rights, including copyright of their authors, creators, Service Provider, or other third parties. Any use of these contents without written consent of the authorized parties in other internet services or outside the Internet is prohibited.

Jankowo Foundation Service Regulations - Provisions

  1. This Regulation is the regulation referred to in Article 8 of the Act of 18 July 2002 on providing services by electronic means (Journal of Laws of 2002, No. 144, item 1204, as amended), and also regulates the conditions for concluding Contracts in the Service, in accordance with the content of other laws, appropriately regulating this obligation.
  2. The Service is operated by the Jankowo Foundation, having rights to the Jankowo Foundation trademark, hereinafter referred to as Jankowo. The aforementioned Foundation, which is the Owner and Administrator of the Service, has the exclusive right to operate the Service. In case of any questions, please contact us at the following email address: fundacja@jankowo.org.
  3. The Service operates in accordance with applicable legal provisions and with respect for good manners, particularly with regard to standards concerning quality and service.
  4. This Regulation defines the rules for using the Service and the principles and procedure for concluding Contracts and communication via the Service.
  5. The Regulation is continuously available on the jankowo.org website in a manner that allows Clients to acquire, reproduce, and understand its content.



  1. Regulations – these Regulations inform about the obligations and rights of the Parties to the Agreement;
  2. Party – the party to the Agreement is the Service Client – in the case of the term Party – the Client visiting the Service is understood;
  3. Distance contract – a contract concluded with the Client within an organized system of concluding contracts at a distance, without the simultaneous physical presence of the Parties, with the exclusive use of one or more means of distance communication up to and including the conclusion of the contract;
  4. Service – the Jankowo Foundation's website available at: https://jankowo.org;
  5. Client – a natural person, a legal entity, and an organizational unit without legal personality, which the law grants legal capacity, transferring funds via the Service for the statutory activities of the Jankowo Foundation;
  6. Payment form – the form of payment as support for the Jankowo Foundation chosen by the Client during the donation transfer process offered by the Service or as a result of individual arrangements with the Foundation in a form other than the payment forms presented on the website;
  7. Personal Data – all information identifying the Client, as well as the IP of the device, location data, internet identifier, including information collected via cookies and other similar technology accumulated by the Service and processed by it under the terms defined in the Regulations and Privacy Policy of the Service.
  8. Newsletter – an electronic distribution service provided by the Service via email enabling all entities using it to automatically receive periodic content containing information about the Foundation's activities, events, and is provided on the terms described in these Regulations;
  9. Donation offer – an invitation to conclude a Support Agreement for the Foundation, prepared and placed in the Service;
  10. Payment Operator – the entity indicated in the Service handling the system of making electronic payments using electronic means, payment cards, hardware wallets;
  11. Service – the IT solution located at the internet address www.jankowo.org (https://jankowo.org) and subpages of the domain;
  12. Agreement – an agreement concluded by users with the Jankowo Foundation Service upon starting to use the Service and accepting the Regulations. The Agreement also means a distance contract;
  13. Services – all services available electronically within the Service, in particular enabling the User to use the Service;
  14. User – a natural or legal person who has concluded an agreement for the provision of electronic services available within the Service, on the terms defined in the Regulations and the applicable legal provisions.
  15. Donation – a declaration of intent submitted by the User via the Service aimed at concluding an Agreement consisting of the voluntary transfer of funds for the statutory activities of the Foundation, identifying information enabling the conclusion and execution of the Agreement;
  16. Information – any type of message sent via electronic communication channels containing information about the Foundation's activities, as well as other information such as surveys, polls, and opinion exchange;

General Provisions

  1. The subject of the Service's activity is to enable support for the Jankowo Foundation's statutory activities by offering electronic content;
  2. In matters not regulated by these Regulations, the relevant provisions of the law applicable in the territory of the Republic of Poland shall apply, in particular the Act of April 23, 1964 – Civil Code (Journal of Laws No. 16, item 93, as amended), the Act of May 30, 2014, on consumer rights (Journal of Laws 2014, item 827) and the Act of August 29, 1997, on personal data protection (consolidated text: Journal of Laws of 2002, No. 101, item 926, as amended);
  3. The contents found in the Service, such as training offered by the Service, do not constitute a commercial offer within the meaning of the provisions of the Civil Code;
  4. The values found on the Service's pages do not constitute a commercial offer within the meaning of the provisions of the Civil Code;
  5. All rights to the Service, including property rights to copyright, intellectual property rights to its name, internet domain, and materials, belong to the Service, and their use must be in accordance with the Regulations;
  6. The Service is made available by the Service Provider via the Internet as a resource of the information system;
  7. Using the Service means any activity that leads to becoming acquainted with the content presented in the Service;
  8. The User is obliged to use the Service in a manner consistent with the Regulations and applicable law;
  9. Using the Service requires reading the Regulations and accepting them;
  10. It is forbidden to use the Service in a way that is contrary to the law, good manners, and infringes on the personal rights of third parties and the interests of the Service Provider, in particular: providing and sharing by the User content that is illegal or contains malicious code, malware, or any components intended to damage or limit the functionality of the Service, impersonating other Users or entities, or providing false information, placing advertisements for any products or services in the Service, without the written consent of the Service Provider;
  11. The Service Provider reserves the right to place advertising content in the Service, in the forms used on the Internet;

Newsletter Service

  1. Before consenting to the use of the Newsletter service, please carefully read these Regulations;
  2. The Newsletter service is provided exclusively for persons who have accepted the Regulations and consented to the service on the website www.jankowo.org;
  3. The Newsletter service is provided free of charge and for an indefinite period until the User resigns;
  4. As part of the Newsletter Service, the Service Provider sends an electronic bulletin to the User's provided email address, informing about the latest news within the scope of the Service's theme;
  5. The User has the right to resign from the Newsletter Service at any time. The subscription can be canceled by clicking on the Resignation link found in the footer of each sent email;
  6. The User's personal data is processed for the duration of the consent to the processing of personal data only for the needs of the Service and is not transferred to other recipients, in particular outside the European Economic Area (EEA) or to international organizations;

Using the Service

  1. To use the Service, including browsing the website, a computer, laptop, or other portable device with internet access, email, and a web browser is required, as well as enabling the possibility of saving Cookies and supporting Javascript in the web browser;
  2. User participation is only possible after Registration on the Service. User registration and use of the Service are free of charge;
  3. Browsing the Service's content does not require registration.
  4. Approval of consents is tantamount to the User's declaration that the data listed in the form are true and that they are authorized to dispose of this data;
  5. The Service does not register individuals under the age of 18, hence it does not register minors;
  6. The Service Provider makes every effort to ensure that information regarding the content presented on the Service is consistent with the actual state of affairs. In case of any doubts regarding the current description or other issues related to it, the User should contact the Service Provider directly;
  7. In the event of a dispute between the User and the Service Provider, the Service Provider will make every effort to help clarify any discrepancies in positions;
  8. The Services provided and the security measures used by the Service ensure a high standard of safety and personal data protection. However, the User should be aware that using Services that require the use of a public telecommunications network is associated with an increased risk of threats such as the possibility of receiving spam, the presence and operation of malware, worms, spyware, the risk of security breaches or phishing, and the possibility of being exposed to other unwanted software performing unintended actions by the user;

Conditions for Supporting the Jankowo Foundation through the Service

  1. The condition for making a support payment through the Service is having an active email account, reading and accepting the Terms and Conditions;
  2. The provisions of the Act of March 1, 2018, on counteracting money laundering and terrorism financing (Journal of Laws of 2021, item 1132) oblige the Supporter to assess the risk and apply financial security measures referred to in Article 34(1) of the said Act. In fulfilling the statutory obligation, the Service Provider may require the User to provide additional Personal Data and information beyond the data indicated in the Registration process before finalizing the Support;
  3. The Jankowo Foundation accepts donations from individuals and legal entities in the form of financial contributions;
  4. The rules for using the donation module available at: https://jankowo.org/ and the obligations of Donors and the Administrator in connection with the use of this module are defined by these regulations;
  5. All payments and in-kind donations are voluntary and constitute a donation within the meaning of Article 888 and subsequent of the Civil Code and are transferred to the statutory activities of the Foundation expressed in the Foundation's Statute available at https://jankowo.org/statut/;
  6. Each Donor, from the moment of undertaking activities aimed at using the donation module, is obliged to comply with the provisions of the Regulations;
  7. Before transferring a donation or before starting to use the donation module, the Donor is obliged to familiarize themselves with the content of the Regulations;
  8. By using the donation module in any way, the Donor declares and confirms that they have read the content of the Regulations, accepts its provisions, and undertakes to comply with them;
  9. Transferring donations for the statutory purposes of the Foundation is possible via payment operators provided on the page https://jankowo.org/ and by bank transfer to the Foundation's bank account number: for PLN currency: 02 1140 2004 0000 3602 8419 5774 or for EUR currency: 02 1140 2004 0000 3312 2070 7835;
  10. The title of the transfer should include "Donation for the statutory purposes of the foundation";
  11. Made payments are protected with a secure SSL certificate;


  1. Before making a payment, the User should previously read and accept the payment terms provided by the Jankowo Foundation and assess the credibility;
  2. The terms of use of payment services define the rules of liability of the Payment Operator for the proper execution of the payment transfer service and the rules for handling the complaint process related to payments made in such a way;
  3. For some payment methods, the external Payment Operator may charge the User additional fees, e.g., fees for international transactions or other fees related to the handling of the selected payment method. To obtain detailed information, the User should contact the Payment Operator carrying out the payment;

Technical Requirements and Information on Cookies

  1. The recommended technical requirements for cooperation with the teleinformatics system are: a computer with Internet access, access to email, and a web browser. The Service uses cookie technology. Cookies (also known as "cookies") are computer data, in particular text files, that are stored in the User's terminal device and are intended for use with the Service's website;
  2. The files referred to in point 1 allow the User's device to be recognized and the web page to be displayed correctly according to their individual preferences;
  3. The Service uses various types of cookies, which include: Permanent cookies, which are cookies stored on the terminal device for the period specified in the parameters of the file or until the User independently deletes the cookies;
  4. Session cookies, which are cookies deleted at the end of the so-called session, i.e., logging out from the website, leaving the website, or closing the web browser displaying the website;
  5. First-party cookies, which are cookies placed on the website by its owner. Third-party cookies, which are cookies placed on the website by external entities, e.g., for conducting anonymous statistics by Google Analytics;
  6. To change the Cookie Policy settings, you need to change the browser settings. Detailed information on changing settings related to Cookies and their independent removal in the most popular web browsers is available in the browser's help section;

Personal Data Protection

  1. The use of the Service by the User involves the processing of their Personal Data by the Service Provider to the extent necessary to provide the offered Services;
  2. Users' Personal Data are processed in accordance with the provisions of the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016, on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (GDPR) and the Act of May 10, 2018, on personal data protection (Journal of Laws of 2018, item 1000);
  3. The User has the right to access data, correct it, request its deletion, as well as the right to restrict processing, object to the processing of personal data, and the right to lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority if the data is processed in violation of legal requirements. Data can be viewed and changed within the Service by contacting the Service Provider via email;
  4. Detailed rules on the processing of personal data are contained in the Privacy Policy located on the Service's website;

Intellectual Property Rights

  1. By using the Service and accessing the content presented therein, the User is obliged to comply with the provisions of the Terms of Service, applicable legal regulations, and not to engage in actions that infringe intellectual property rights;
  2. The appearance of the Service and the content published within it, including but not limited to the content of Offers, consisting of various forms such as graphic materials, text, logos, and the layout or software ensuring its operation, are subject to intellectual property protection, including copyright of the Service Provider or third parties. Any use of these contents without written consent from the authorized parties on other internet services or outside the Internet is prohibited;
  3. Photographs of content provided in the Service are copyrighted by the Jankowo Foundation or its Partners or Supporting Members. Any claims related to the infringement of copyright to the photos of the Objects should be directed to the Service Provider;

Final Provisions

  1. This Terms of Service shall be effective from October 1, 2023;
  2. The Service Provider reserves the right to change the Terms of Service at any time. This may be due to, in particular, legislative changes or changes in the practice of applying the law, the development of internet technologies, changes in the rules of using the Service. The new terms become effective on the date of publication on the Service's Terms of Service subpage;
  3. For contracts concluded before the change in the Terms of Service, the version of the Terms of Service in force on the date of the conclusion of the contract shall apply;
  4. Changes in the contact details of the Service Provider contained in the Terms of Service or changes in its data resulting from a change in the legal form of its activity do not constitute a change in the Terms of Service;
  5. The Terms of Service do not exclude or limit any rights of the User who is a Consumer or an Entrepreneur with consumer rights, which are granted to them by mandatory legal provisions. In the event of a conflict between the provisions of the Terms of Service and the mandatory legal provisions granting certain rights to Consumers or Entrepreneurs with consumer rights, the latter provisions shall prevail;
  6. The Service Provider reserves the right to make changes to the contents available on the Service;
  7. The Service Provider is not liable for any damages caused by the violation by Users – in connection with the use of the Service – of third-party rights, damages resulting from interruptions in the operation of the Service or its unavailability, caused by reasons beyond the Service Provider's control or which occurred as a result of events that the Service Provider could not prevent, and any other damages caused by the User's non-compliance with the provisions of these Terms of Service;

The Privacy Policy describes the principles of processing information about you, including personal data and cookies.


The General Data Protection Regulation, known as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation), is a legal regulation of the European Union that came into effect on May 25, 2018. The GDPR introduces new rules for the protection of personal data of the European Union and its citizens. The Jankowo Foundation's service adheres to these principles in accordance with the regulations presented below:

  1. Principle of legality, fairness, and transparency: Personal data may only be processed in a manner that is lawful, fair, and transparent to the data subject.
  2. Purpose limitation: Personal data may only be collected and processed for specific, explicit, and legitimate purposes and may not be further processed in a manner inconsistent with those purposes.
  3. Data minimization: Processed personal data must be adequate, relevant, and limited to what is necessary for the purposes for which they are processed.
  4. Accuracy: Personal data must be accurate and, where necessary, kept up to date. Any outdated or inaccurate data should be deleted or corrected.
  5. Storage limitation: Personal data may only be stored for the period necessary to achieve the purposes for which they are processed.
  6. Integrity and confidentiality: Personal data must be processed in a way that ensures appropriate security, including protection against unauthorized access, loss, damage, or disclosure.
  7. Accountability and transparency: Entities processing personal data must document compliance with GDPR regulations and be prepared to provide information to supervisory authorities upon request.

Rights of the data subjects: The GDPR grants numerous rights to individuals whose data is processed, including the right to access the content of their data, the right to have it corrected, the right to be forgotten (data deletion), the right to data portability, and others.

  1. Consent: If the processing of personal data is based on consent, this consent must be expressed in a clear and unambiguous manner.
  2. Data controller obligations: Data controllers are required to appoint a data protection officer (DPO) in certain cases, monitor compliance with GDPR regulations, and report data breaches.
  3. Transfer of data to third countries: The transfer of personal data to countries outside the EU or EEA is permitted only under specific conditions and must meet certain criteria.
  4. Data breaches: In the event of a data security breach, data controllers are required to report the incident to the supervisory authority and notify the individuals whose data may have been compromised if it is likely that the breach will have a negative impact on their rights and freedoms.

Rights of the data subjects:

  1. Right of access: You have the right to access your data that is being processed. At any time, you can download a copy of your data. This can be done using Google tools or other tools provided for this purpose. For security reasons, you may be subject to verification. After successful verification, you will be able to download your data with appropriate security measures.
  2. Right to data deletion: You have the right to request the deletion of your data. If after requesting data deletion it turns out that we are legally obliged to continue processing your data, we will inform you of this.
  3. Right to data rectification: You can exercise the right to rectification if you notice that your personal data is incorrect or incomplete. In such a case, we commit to removing any inconsistencies or errors in the data we process and to completing it if it is incomplete.
  4. Right to restrict data processing and storage: Upon your request, we will limit data processing to storage only. We will cease other activities related to data processing.
  5. Right to data portability: Upon your request, we will provide you with your data, but remember to specify who will receive it.
  6. Right to object to profiling: At any time, you can object to data storage and request its deletion. However, before you express your objection, be aware that this will result in the deletion of your email address from the Jankowo Foundation's service data and the loss of all your activity history. After exercising the right to object, log out of the Jankowo Foundation's site on all devices and clear your cookies.
  7. Right to object to direct marketing: You have the right to object to direct marketing.


  1. This policy applies to the website operating at the URL: https://jankowo.org/.
  2. The owner of the service and the Personal Data Administrator is the Jankowo Foundation.
  3. The contact email address of the operator: fundacja@jankowo.org.
  4. The Administrator of your personal data provided voluntarily on the Website is the Operator.
  5. The Service uses personal data for the following purposes: managing newsletters, managing the comment system, handling inquiries through forms, presenting offers or information.
  6. The Service collects information about users and their behavior through voluntarily provided data in forms, which are entered into the Operator's systems, and by saving cookies ("cookies") on the end-users' devices.


  1. Data entry areas are protected by a secure transmission layer (SSL certificate). This means that personal data entered on the website is encrypted on the user's computer and can only be read on the target server.
  2. Personal data stored in the database is encrypted in such a way that only the Operator holding the key can read it. This ensures data protection in the event of a security breach of the database from the server.
  3. User data is stored in encrypted form. Hashing is a one-way function that prevents its reversal, which is the contemporary standard for storing user data.
  4. The Operator periodically changes its administrative passwords.
  5. Data protection includes regular data backups performed by the Operator.
  6. An important aspect of data protection is the regular updating of all software used by the Operator to process personal data, including regular updates of software components.


  1. The service is hosted (technically maintained) on the operator's servers:  cyber_Folks.


  1. In some situations, the Administrator has the right to share your personal data with other recipients if it is necessary to fulfill the obligations incumbent on the Administrator. This applies to the hosting company covered by the data processing agreement and authorized bodies.
  2. Your personal data is processed by the Administrator no longer than is necessary for the purposes related to the provision of the service. For marketing data, the data will not be processed for more than 3 years.
  3. You have the right to request from the Administrator access to your personal data, their correction, deletion, restriction of processing, and data portability.
  4. You have the right to object to the processing of personal data for the realization of legally justified interests by the Administrator, including profiling. However, the right to object cannot be exercised if there are valid legally justified reasons for processing, overriding your interests, rights, and freedoms, especially concerning establishing, investigating, or defending claims.
  5. You have the right to lodge a complaint with the President of the Office for Personal Data Protection against the Administrator's actions.
  6. The provision of personal data is voluntary.
  7. Automated decision-making, including profiling for direct marketing purposes conducted by the Administrator, may apply to you.
  8. Personal data is not transferred to third countries within the meaning of data protection regulations. This means that we do not transfer them outside the European Union.


  1. The Service collects information provided voluntarily by the user, including personal data if they have been provided.
  2. The Service may record information about connection parameters (timestamp, IP address).
  3. In some cases, the Service may save information facilitating the linking of data in the form with the email address of the user filling out the form. In such a case, the user's email address appears in the URL of the page containing the form.
  4. Data provided in the form are processed for the purpose resulting from the specificity of the form, for example, to make a donation to the Jankowo Foundation or other organizations through the Jankowo Foundation for a clearly indicated purpose and handling of this process, registration for the newsletter service, etc. Each time the context and description of the form clearly inform what it is for.


Information on users' behavior on the site may be logged. This data is used to administer the service.


  1. The Operator may use statistical analysis of website traffic through Google Analytics (Google Inc. based in the USA). The Operator does not provide the service provider with personal data, only anonymized information. The service is based on the use of cookies on the user's end device. Regarding the user's preferences collected by the Google advertising network, users can view and edit information derived from cookies using the tool: https://www.google.com/ads/preferences/.
  2. The Operator uses an automated solution enabling the personalization of the Service's actions towards users, e.g., sending email messages to users after visiting specific subpages, if the user has consented to receive commercial correspondence from the Operator.


  1. The Service uses cookies.
  2. Cookies are IT data, in particular, text files, which are stored on the Service User's end device and are intended for use with the Service's websites. Cookies usually contain the name of the website from which they originate, the duration of their storage on the end device, and a unique number.
  3. The entity placing cookies on the Service User's end device and accessing them is the Service operator. Cookies are used to maintain the user's session on the Service.
  4. To achieve the objectives specified above in the "Key Marketing Techniques" section.
  5. The Service uses two basic types of cookies: "session" and "permanent". "Session" cookies are temporary files that are stored on the User's end device until leaving the Service, leaving the website, or closing the web browser software. "Permanent" cookies are stored on the User's end device for the time specified in the cookies' parameters or until they are deleted by the User.
  6. Web browsing software (web browser) usually allows the storage of cookies on the User's end device by default. Service Users can change the settings for cookies. Web browsers allow for the deletion of cookies. It is also possible to automatically block cookies. Detailed information on this subject can be found in the help or documentation of the web browser.
  7. Restricting the use of cookies may affect some functionalities available on the Service's websites.
  8. Cookies placed on the Service User's end device may also be used by entities cooperating with the Service operator, in particular, this applies to such companies as Google (Google Inc. based in the USA), Facebook (Facebook Inc. based in the USA), Twitter (Twitter Inc. based in the USA).


  1. If the user does not want to receive cookies, they can change the settings of their browser. We inform you that disabling the handling of cookies necessary for authentication processes, security, and maintaining user preferences may make it difficult, and in extreme cases, prevent the use of websites.
  2. To manage cookie settings, select from the list below the web browser you are using and follow the instructions:  Edge ,  Internet Explorer ,  Chrome ,  Safari ,  Firefox ,  Opera .
  3. Mobile devices: Android ,  Safari (iOS) ,  Windows Phone .

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Do you share our values and aspirations to make positive changes? We are open to collaboration with individuals who, like us, wish to do good. Your support and involvement can significantly contribute to our actions. We are enthusiastic about meeting with you to discuss possibilities for jointly creating positive changes. Contact us – your ideas and initiative are very valuable to us. We eagerly await your message and are ready to embark on an inspiring collaboration.

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Prefer email contact? No problem! Use the contact form on the right-hand side - or send a message directly to our email address.

We will respond as quickly as possible! Please send messages to the email: fundacja@jankowo.org

Foundation Address

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