
Foundation Projects

The palace and park complex in Jankowo, although currently in need of comprehensive reconstruction, is an undeniable treasure of history and culture that needs to be saved and given a new, inspiring life.

Despite its current neglect and disrepair, we know that it holds immeasurable possibilities. With the right support and commitment, the palace can regain its former splendor, becoming a source of inspiration, education, and a cultural center for the community.

Priority works within the Jankowo project are a key stage aimed at ensuring the integrity and protection of the Palace and Park complex in Jankowo. These works, requiring constant financial support of about 20,000 zł per month, include the following categories:

Round-the-Clock Security of the Complex:

Security is the foundation of every revitalization project. A professional monitoring system, along with experienced security personnel, will provide protection against potential threats. This way, not only the monument will be secured, but also future investments in its renovation. Preventing acts of vandalism and theft will also enhance overall safety. This problem needs to be resolved as quickly as possible.

Reconstruction of the Complex's Fencing:

A solid fence is not just a symbolic boundary, but primarily a physical barrier against unauthorized entry. Its aesthetic execution will further highlight the value and character of the place. Reconstructing the fence around the area will effectively aid in the success of the restoration works of the complex.

Urgent Rescue and Security Works for the Palace and Park:

Many elements of the palace and park are exposed to the effects of time and neglect. Early intervention in the form of protections and repairs will avoid more serious damage in the future. Immediate rescue actions to protect the palace building from further deterioration, such as securing damaged roofs, facades, and window openings, and emergency interventions, like cleaning and removing hazardous structural elements and fallen trees that pose a threat both to the building itself and to people in the park, will contribute to a quicker restoration of the asset.

Implementation of Conservation Recommendations:

Collaboration with experts will ensure the authenticity of the palace is preserved while introducing modern technical solutions that will ensure the durability of the renovation. Implementing the conservationist's recommendations on an ongoing basis will preserve and restore the authenticity and historical character of the complex, requiring exceptional craftsmanship and the right choice of means and materials.

Cleaning the Area:

Removing all unnecessary and harmful elements from the palace and park area, including waste, and maintaining general order in the complex, such as mowing the grass, caring for flowers, and removing fallen leaves, especially chestnut leaves, will contribute to the overall preservation of the place's aesthetics. Order around the palace is not just a matter of aesthetics but also safety. Removing waste and securing the area will contribute to a better image and attract potential investors.

Rescue Work of the Tree Stand:

The trees in the park are witnesses to history. Their care and protection are an investment in the green landscape and atmosphere of this place. Caring for the trees in the park, including removing degenerate or damaged trees, pruning branches, and caring for the health of the trees, will preserve the characteristic valuable tree stand of this park. Protection and treatment of plants, including lawns, flowers, and shrubs, will restore their health and original beauty.

Ponds and Watercourses:

Water plays an irreplaceable role in the ecosystem of the park, being a source of life for many organisms and influencing the biodiversity of the entire area. Ponds, watercourses, and the waterfall are an integral part of the park's landscape, and their proper care directly impacts the aesthetics and functionality of this place. Maintaining the three ponds and the waterfall in proper condition not only preserves the diversity of ecosystems but also highlights the unique character of the landscape. The waterfall, as a unique element, requires special care not to lose its natural charm. Additionally, the watercourses connecting the ponds with Lake Pakoskie play an important ecological role, serving as corridors for many animal species. Their regular care and cleaning are key to maintaining the health and clarity of the waters, which translates into the well-being of all organisms dependent on this environment.

Archaeological Research and Reconstructions:

Archaeological research and reconstructions have played a key role in the process of uncovering the secrets of the history of the palace and park. Findings from the Lusatian culture of the Hallstatt period and the Middle Ages are particularly valuable for understanding the context of these places. Thanks to a deeper understanding of the history of the object, both residents and tourists can fully appreciate the heritage and significance of the palace. Archaeology, with its rich spectrum of research methods, not only reveals material traces of the past but also allows for the discovery of stories and anecdotes related to these places. The focus is also on the tomb of the Hepner family, who were former owners of this estate. This tomb is not only an important testament to their presence and influence on the history of the estate, but also a key element connecting the past with the present. Proper preservation and renovation of this resting place are an expression of respect for their heritage and a confirmation of historical continuity and cultivation of tradition. Furthermore, potential new archaeological discoveries may provide valuable information about the palace and park. Each artifact and historical structure that is discovered can become not only an attraction for visitors but also a source of education about the history of the region. Therefore, it is important to systematically conduct research, secure and appropriately present the found artifacts, to continue discovering and highlighting the richness of the heritage of this extraordinary place.

Development of a Marketing Strategy:

Developing a comprehensive strategy for promotion and digitalization is key to its reactivation and enriching the offer for visitors. The palace, to become a thriving place, must effectively attract both residents and tourists from different parts of the country and the world. Integrated promotional activities, such as organizing festivals, concerts, exhibitions, or other cultural events, will not only increase the attractiveness of the palace but also allow it to better integrate into the cultural landscape of the region. Local media, partnerships with travel agencies, or collaboration with influencers are just some of the channels that can be used for effective promotion.

Development of the Educational Role of the Complex:

Education is the second pillar of the palace's development. Organizing historical, artistic, or ecological workshops, as well as lectures and author meetings, will allow residents and tourists to deepen their knowledge and better understand the history, culture, and nature of this extraordinary place. Creating educational programs for schools or organized groups can contribute to building bonds between the palace and the local community.

Development of the Role of Modern Technologies:

The use of modern technologies is essential in today's times. Mobile applications with interactive maps, audio guides, or historical quizzes, virtual tours allowing for visiting the palace from every corner of the world, or touch panels with multimedia presentations - all this will make the history of the palace more accessible and attractive to a wide audience, regardless of age or origin. The introduction of such solutions will make the palace a modern place that respects and nurtures its heritage at the same time.

Integration of the Local Community, Adaptation of Infrastructure, and Promotion of Sustainable Actions:

The integration of the local community, adaptation of infrastructure, and promotion of sustainable actions for the good of the environment are key pillars of the future of the palace. The palace, as an important part of the cultural landscape, should not become a place cut off from everyday life and the needs of the local community. It is through close cooperation with residents that the palace can regain its former importance and become the heart of the region.

Involving residents in various activities, starting from conservation work, through the organization of local festivals, fairs, or workshops, will allow for building strong social bonds. Residents can become ambassadors of the palace, promoting it among their acquaintances and families, which in turn will attract new visitors.

The palace's infrastructure requires a modern approach that respects its historical character at the same time. Adapting facilities for the disabled, creating comfortable resting places, or modernizing sanitation - all this should be done with care for aesthetics and preserving the authenticity of the place.

The importance of pro-environmental actions is growing nowadays. Creating special habitats for local fauna and flora, such as ponds or flower meadows, will not only enrich the biodiversity of the area but also make the palace an attractive place for nature lovers. Support for local species, such as nesting boxes for birds or hotels for insects, are small steps that can bring great benefits to the environment.

Ecological technologies, such as solar collectors, rainwater harvesting and purification systems, or waste composting, should be implemented thoughtfully so that the palace becomes a model of sustainable management. These actions will not only reduce the carbon footprint of the facility but will also be an inspiration for others, showing that monuments can go towards sustainable development without losing their uniqueness.

Ensuring regular, monthly financial inflows of approximately 20,000 zł is the foundation for continuing key activities related to the Palace and Park complex in Jankowo. Maintaining such a budget will allow for planning long-term conservation, renovation, and adaptation works that are necessary to preserve and enrich the value of this historic place.

Thanks to stable sources of funding, it will be possible to focus on detail and take care of every aspect of this extraordinary complex - from the renovation of the palace facade, through the renovation of gardens, to restoring the former functions of some rooms. High standards of work guarantee that not only the physical structures will be preserved but also the spirit and atmosphere of the place, which reflect its rich history.

However, these projects do not focus exclusively on the past. The vision for the future also includes adapting the palace to the needs of the contemporary community. It will be possible to launch educational spaces, organize workshops for residents, or create places for recreation and relaxation. As a result, the complex will become not only a witness to history but also an active participant in the life of the local community, offering new possibilities for both residents and tourists. As a result, the entire region will benefit from cultural, social, and economic revitalization, contributing to further development and strengthening Jankowo's position on the map of important cultural places in the country.

The Jankowo Palace, which urgently requires reconstruction, is a real treasure and symbol of the history and culture of the region. However, nearly 70 years of progressive degradation have stripped it of its former splendor and majesty. The Palace and Park Complex in Jankowo, located in the Pakość commune, Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship, is an incredibly picturesque place, situated on the elevated bank of the western part of Lake Pakoskie.

The neo-Gothic palace, listed in the register of monuments under number A 238/2, is a masterpiece of architecture, characterized by pointed arch transoms, turret towers, balustrades with a trefoil motif, flat areas in parapet walls, and cartouches with German moralizing sentences. The irregularly shaped building has its longest axis measuring 54.5 m and the shortest 20 m. The main entrance to the palace leads through the western portico, supporting a terrace on the first floor. A twin portico on the other side of the palace leads to a charming garden. The palace is faced westward, offering magnificent views of Lake Pakoskie. Decorations such as suspended columns with decorative leaf-shaped capitals, balustrades, ornamental flat areas, and turret towers give this place a unique charm and special character.

The current state of the Jankowo Palace is a sad testament to years of neglect and irresponsible actions that have deprived it of many of its original details and functions. Its former glory has been dimmed by a series of misguided conservation decisions and a lack of effective protection against the ravages of time.

Although the external walls and load-bearing walls still stand proudly, the rest of the structure has suffered considerable damage. All original architectural elements, so important to the character of the palace, such as ceilings, internal walls, or staircases, not only have been destroyed but were also replaced in the 1990s with carelessly made elements that do not reflect the spirit of the original construction. The use of low-quality materials and lack of compliance with the historical designs of the palace caused even these new elements, despite their short period of use, to be already in a critical condition.

Additionally, the temporary rescue roof, while fulfilling its protective role, only provides a provisional solution that does not ensure long-term protection against atmospheric influences.

Moving to the surroundings of the palace, the degradation of the area cannot be overlooked. Neglected alleys, wild overgrowth, and careless maintenance mean that the space around the palace loses value, becoming unattractive and unsafe. But that's not all. Another blow to the historical value of the property was the use of modern materials in the facade and window joinery. The introduction of PVC windows, which replaced traditional wooden windows, not only lowered the aesthetic value of the palace but also had a harmful effect on its historical details. Similarly, the decision to cover the facade with styrofoam insulation was a hasty decision that now requires correction.

All these unfortunate "innovations" not only destroy the spirit and history of the palace but also pose a real threat to its structure. Immediate intervention is needed to ensure its future for the next centuries.

Since its establishment in 2011, the Jankowo Foundation has taken on the responsibility of gathering and preserving all information related to the Jankowo Palace. Its primary goal has been the mission of restoring the original appearance and function of this unique monument. Over years of systematic action, the Foundation has gathered a rich collection of materials, including archival photographs, construction plans, documents, and personal recollections of people associated with the palace.

A key moment for the Foundation was the opportunity to collaborate with Baroness Urszula v. Gear, the last heiress of the palace. Her invaluable memories, family anecdotes, and family documents became an important source of knowledge about the history and function of the palace. Thanks to her stories, it was possible to better understand the daily life of the palace's residents, the traditions, and rituals that took place within its walls.

The knowledge gathered by the Foundation not only serves to reconstruct the appearance of the palace but also allows understanding its role in the local community and the history of the region. As a result, future generations will have access to a complete picture of the palace, its functions, and its place in history.

Baroness Urszula v. Gear, by sharing her memories, passed on not only facts but also feelings and emotions associated with the palace. As a result, the renovation works conducted under the auspices of the Jankowo Foundation can have not only a technical but also a spiritual character. By rebuilding the palace, its soul and atmosphere, present during its heyday, are also being restored.

In this mission, the Jankowo Foundation is not only the guardian of the past but also the builder of the future, ensuring that the Jankowo Palace becomes a living testament to history and a meeting place for future generations.

The estimated sum needed for the renovation of the palace is about 5 million euros - a value that may seem astronomical at first glance. However, when considering the scope of work aimed at restoring the palace to its former glory, it becomes clear why this amount is so significant. This budget includes not only the reconstruction of architectural elements but also the replacement of installations, renovation of details and finishes, and the application of modern technologies that will ensure the palace's durability for the next centuries.

The ultimate success of this investment depends not only on capital but also on advanced technologies and materials that allow for the combination of tradition with modernity. Contemporary conservation methods will allow preserving the original character of the palace while ensuring safety and functionality standards applicable in the 21st century.

To more closely detail the scope of work that needs to be carried out, let's focus on a few key aspects of revitalization.

Technical Condition Diagnostics:

A detailed technical diagnosis of the palace is necessary, including geodetic surveys, wall moisture measurements, microscopic plaster examinations, and an assessment of the ceiling structures, which need to be removed and replaced with new constructions without compromising the external and load-bearing walls, which are in surprisingly good technical condition after preliminary examinations. Specialists must design all installations that were dismantled back in the 1990s.

Conservation Works:

It will be necessary to restore the original plasters and frescoes and renovate decorative architectural details. Many elements will need to be recreated based on existing details and documentation gathered by the Jankowo Foundation. Window and door carpentry, flooring, and other fittings must be made from scratch, as these elements have not survived to this day. Traditional conservation techniques must be used to restore the authentic character of the interiors. External facade plasters must be developed based on collected samples of original plaster fragments, and plastering techniques must be executed according to the collected documentation and photos.

Construction Works:

Strengthening the foundations and load-bearing walls will be necessary to ensure the long-term stability of the structure. Then, ceilings will be made according to the collected documentation, and the roof reconstruction will be carried out in accordance with the original designs, using appropriate materials. Modern insulation solutions will be introduced that do not disrupt the historical character of the building.

Installation Modernization:

Modern ventilation, heating, and air conditioning systems will need to be introduced, hidden so as not to disrupt the historical character of the interiors. This also applies to the update of electrical, plumbing, and safety installations, while maintaining the aesthetics of the interiors.

Functional Adaptation:

The original purpose of some rooms will be restored, while others will be adapted for new functions (e.g., museum, business, or educational) so that the palace can serve the local community, business, and tourists. Modern technologies will also be used to improve accessibility for people with disabilities.

The Magnificent Renaissance of Jankowo Palace:

The significance of the Jankowo Palace in the context of global architectural heritage cannot be overstated. This unique building, once restored, will surely gain the reputation of one of the most beautiful neo-Gothic manors in the world. It is a record of rich history and complex cultural transformations that took place in its era. The characteristic neo-Gothic towers, majestic arches, and decorative details make the Jankowo Palace a true architectural gem. Its revival will not only preserve but also strengthen the position of the neo-Gothic era as an important period in architectural history, which is immensely valuable for cultural and historical heritage on a global scale.

Multifunctionality and Modernity at the Heart of Tradition:

When thinking about adapting the historic palace and its adjacent park, one cannot forget the important role it is to play in today's world. The idea of this place as a center that combines museum, training, scientific, business, and tourism functions, as well as serves health and recreation, is truly fascinating. As a result, the Jankowo Palace can become not only a place of extraordinary heritage but also a modern and innovative center that will attract the elite from various fields - from business, through medicine, to science.

Integrated Approach to Revitalization:

Paying attention to the renewal of the palace and the care for the surrounding green areas are two aspects that together create a comprehensive picture of the revival of this place. It's not just about preserving historical heritage – it's also about reactivating it, making it a living testament to the past in a modern context. The entire revitalization project harmoniously fits into both national and European policy, emphasizing the protection of cultural heritage and highlighting the importance of European identity in modern times.

Support and Financing - Keys to Success:

No renovation would be possible without the necessary financial means. Fundraising from various sources, including both institutional and private, is essential for undertaking such a complex endeavor. The ultimate success of the renovation depends on the support of the community, donors, and various institutions willing to invest in the revival of the palace.

Donors who decide to support this ambitious project play a key role in its implementation. Their involvement is not just a financial matter – it's also an expression of belief in the cultural and historical value of the palace and a conviction about the importance of its reconstruction for future generations.

With such a vast investment, every form of support matters – both large donations and smaller, symbolic contributions. The final decision on the scope and pace of the works will depend on the commitment of the community that believes in the revival of this extraordinary place.

The park, an integral part of the Jankowo Palace and Park Complex, radiates uniqueness. Picturesquely situated on the elevated bank of the western edge of Lake Pakoskie, it has captivated with its majesty for decades. It is not only a pearl of cultural and natural heritage of Kujawy but also a witness to the evolution of history and vibrant natural life. Its exceptional character in landscape architecture and botany has been recognized by its inclusion in the list of monuments under number A 238/2. Majestic hills, picturesque ponds, charming bridges, a waterfall, a grand lime avenue, and ancient trees make it a true oasis of nature. Its origins date back to the early 19th century when it was designed in the spirit of the English style, perfectly harmonizing with the undulating landscape surrounding the palace. It spans nearly 8 hectares.

Diversity of Tree and Shrub Species in the Park

The park boasts an impressive variety of tree and shrub species, many of which are over 150 years old. There are 43 different species and varieties of trees and 16 species of shrubs. While coniferous species like spruce, European larch, Douglas fir, and black pine make up only 1.4% of the total tree population, they have an undeniable significance for biological diversity. The dominant species is the ash tree, accounting for 19.86% of the tree stock. Other valuable species include common maple, black locust, European ash, and sycamore maple. Particularly notable are trees with unusual leaf variants and colors, such as the "Concordia" pedunculate oak, red-leaved beech, non-pedunculate oak, Canadian hemlock, and ginkgo biloba. These unique specimens, changing colors with the seasons, give the park a unique character and palette.

As for the health condition of the park's tree stock, it is generally satisfactory. In recent years, especially around 2014, intensive maintenance work was carried out, involving therapeutic treatments, crown regulation, removal of self-seeded trees, and cutting of dry specimens. However, it is necessary to continue these actions systematically to keep the trees in the best possible condition.

Restoration Works and Enhancements

Uncontrolled growth of self-seeded plants led to significant changes in the park's structure, especially in areas near the lake, making it less legible. In response to this challenge, actions are needed to restore the original paths and alleys. Such intervention will create a more logical and clear layout, understandable to visitors. It is also important to consider the current trees and self-seedlings, which, despite their size, can play a key role in future landscaping. A detailed re-inventory of the tree stock is a fundamental step to decide which specimens deserve preservation and which require intervention. Planned new plantings should be thoughtful to create a coherent, yet diverse composition. Careful maintenance of the existing tree stock, including proper pruning and protection against diseases, is essential to preserve the park's historical heritage.

Additionally, modifications introduced to the park's water system, such as the addition of a waterfall, undoubtedly enriched its landscape and added a unique character to the place. In the revitalization works, care for the water aspect should be an integral part of the entire project, not only to preserve the historical context but also to emphasize the natural assets of the place. Planned works on the ponds, modernization of the water system, including additions such as waterfalls or fountains, will not only increase the aesthetic appeal of the park but also create a space for relaxation for its guests. By nurturing and renovating the existing water elements, their longevity and full functionality are ensured.

Drawing inspiration from historical solutions from the 19th century, the renovation of the perimeter road system is planned, using materials that reflect that era. Additionally, elements such as benches or lighting should be integrated in a way that harmoniously fits into the historical aura of the place. Thanks to these works, the park will not only gain in aesthetics but also become more functional for contemporary guests. The introduction of educational zones, such as information boards or special thematic trails, can enrich the park's offer, emphasizing its historical and natural value. Organizing various events, such as workshops, meetings, or educational tours for school groups, can effectively contribute to promoting and popularizing this unique place.

Over the past six decades, the stone wall surrounding Jankowo Park has been subjected to many tests of time, leading to numerous damages. These damages are the result of both the inevitable wear of material due to the passage of years and human actions in the form of acts of vandalism or neglect in regular maintenance. This fence was more than just a barrier – it was a key architectural and symbolic element of the entire palace and park complex. In former times, these walls were a testament to the prestige and significance of Jankowo Park to the local community. Its reconstruction will not only restore functionality but also emphasize the historical and aesthetic context of the place.

At the heart of this park, in the shade of tall trees and surrounded by natural beauty, lies the Evangelical-Augsburg family Hepner necropolis. This place is an undeniable testament to the rich history of the region and the cultural and religious significance of the Hepner family in the context of the community. Unfortunately, neglect and lack of regular care have led to the degradation of this corner of the park. The tombstone has faded, overgrown, and the surrounding greenery has become wild and disordered. Some work was done in 2014, but the place requires constant care.

Taking action to renew this necropolis is not only a responsibility towards cultural heritage but also a show of respect for those who rest there. Restoring the former glory of this resting place will require commitment and care. It is necessary not only to renovate the damaged tombstones and tidy up the paths but also to take care of the surrounding flora, restoring its original beauty. In this way, the significance of this place in the history of the region will be emphasized, showing that the memory of the past is something that contemporary society values and nurtures.


For this ambitious project to become a reality, external support is essential. The foundation responsible for the revitalization work estimates that it needs support of about 20,000 zł per month. Such funds will cover the costs associated with purchasing materials, renting specialized equipment, and paying professionals, ensuring that the work is carried out with the highest attention to detail and quality of execution.

With such support, Jankowo Park will be able to shine again in full glory, becoming a place that delights both with its history and the beauty of nature. Currently, many areas in the park are neglected, and the paths and alleys require renewal. Through this revitalization, historical elements will be restored to their former glory, and modern conveniences will be introduced in a way that harmonizes with the historical character of the place.

The revitalization of Jankowo Park is a project of unique importance for the Kujawy region. The goal is not only to preserve historical heritage and botanical richness but also to adapt the space to the needs and expectations of contemporary visitors. The park is intended to serve as a place of relaxation, education, and recreation for residents and tourists. There are also plans to organize various cultural and educational events that will attract even more visitors.

The final effect aims to combine the best of the past and present, creating a place full of charm, history, and natural beauty. Support from the local community, sponsors, and other institutions will be crucial for the success of this endeavor.


The property located in Jankowo is a historic complex of unique character, consisting of several key elements. It is situated at Pałac Jankowo 1, 88-170 Jankowo, in the Pakość commune, Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship, Poland. The property includes:

  1. Jankowo Palace: This is the main building on the property, serving as its heart. It is the central and most important point of the entire complex.
  2. Jankowo Park: The green space surrounding the palace adds charm to the whole place. It is an ideal spot for relaxation and recreation, where one can admire the beauty of nature.
  3. Adjacent Plots: The complex includes several plots with a total area of 7.8026 hectares. The plots include the following numbers: 84/4 (6.8400 ha), 84/3 (0.5 ha), 81/4 (0.0138 ha), 85/6 (0.2838 ha), and 85/11 (0.1650 ha).
  4. Additional Buildings: In addition to the palace, the property also includes a solidly built brick house and the remnants of a stable.

All information regarding the property is archived in the Land and Mortgage Register maintained by the District Court in Inowrocław, 5th Department of Land and Mortgage Registers. Register numbers BY1I/00021869/6 and BY1I/00043270/0 confirm that the property is free of any liabilities. The current owner is the company "Jankowo Park Sp. z o.o.". The company was registered by the District Court for the Capital City of Warsaw, 13th Economic Department of the National Court Register under the number 0000550491. Its Tax Identification Number (NIP) is 9512390428, and its National Business Registry Number (Regon) is 361140253.

Rationale for Acquisition through Purchase of Shares:

Purchasing 100% of the shares of Jankowo Park Sp. z o.o. represents a strategic approach that allows effective control over the entire property. This form of acquisition eliminates the need to go through numerous formalities associated with the direct purchase of the property, such as concluding sales contracts before a notary or incurring tax charges. Moreover, buying shares allows for the takeover of all rights and obligations of the company, which is crucial from the perspective of further property management. Practically, the buyer, by purchasing the shares, becomes the owner of the entire real estate complex along with its components. This transaction model is often preferred when purchasing larger real estate complexes, especially when they are managed by special purpose companies.

The main area of Jankowo Park's activity is social assistance with accommodation for the elderly and for people with disabilities. However, the company is not limited to this sphere only. It also has registered business activities related to catering, real estate market services, and rental and leasing. Owning the historic palace and park complex, the company also conducts service activities related to maintaining order in buildings, landscaping, as well as cultural activities such as running libraries, archives, or museums. Additionally, the company engages in innovative projects in the IT market, new technologies, and also offers support in conducting business activities, consultancy, and supports research and development work.

All areas of the company's activity harmonize with the goals set by the Jankowo Foundation and are in line with the provisions contained in the Foundation's Statute.

Key activities include:

  1. Revitalization and protection of monuments, aligning with the mission of preserving cultural heritage.
  2. Education, care, and upbringing of children and youth, promoting the comprehensive development of the younger generation.
  3. Supporting initiatives aimed at developing regions, with particular emphasis on Pomerania, Kujawy, and Masuria.
  4. Implementing the Integrated Strategy for the Development of Rural Areas, aimed at supporting local communities.
  5. Protection of heritage and promotion of education, traditions, culture, history, and art.
  6. Initiating processes of consciousness and cultural changes in local communities and promoting the touristic, historical, and cultural values of regions.
  7. Supporting pro-environmental actions, environmental protection, and promoting renewable energy.
  8. Developing international contacts and cooperation, particularly between Polish and German societies, promoting tolerance and mutual understanding.
  9. Providing assistance in adapting to new work and life conditions in the era of European integration.

In the context of the planned real estate transaction, we conducted a thorough "due diligence" process, which involved a detailed analysis and verification of various aspects of the company's operations. The main goal of this process was to understand the potential risks and benefits that could arise from the planned transaction. During the due diligence, we undertook the following actions:

We identified the key areas of the company's activity, and then proceeded to financial, legal, and operational analysis. We gained access to all key company documents, including financial statements, contracts, permits, certificates, and property ownership documents. We thoroughly analyzed the company's balance sheet, profit and loss statement, and cash flows. During the analysis, no hidden liabilities or other potential financial problems were detected. Additionally, we confirmed that the company's operations are in compliance with current law, there are no ongoing legal disputes concerning the company, and all contracts are valid and comply with legal regulations. Finally, we assessed the company's growth potential, market position, and competitive analysis.

After a thorough "due diligence" analysis, it was determined that Jankowo Park Sp. z o.o. does not pose a risk to the Jankowo Foundation. This is favorable for the planned real estate transaction and for further activities related to the revitalization and adaptation of the Palace and Park Complex to modern business and social functions. It is worth emphasizing that Jankowo Park developed a multi-variant business plan for this facility, which is in line with regional, national, and European policy.

In 2013, the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship adopted a strategic plan called "Development Strategy of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Voivodeship until 2020, Modernization Plan 2020+". The main objective of this plan, in the "Economy and Jobs" section, is to create new jobs and combat unemployment through actions to improve working conditions and develop entrepreneurship. Support under this policy focuses on promoting an innovative economy. Additionally, the Kuyavian-Pomeranian Program for Social Economy until 2020 was adopted, which envisages financial support for new social economy entities. Local administration and the monument conservator are favorable to initiatives aimed at restoring the property's functional use. The project is also in line with the policy of the national and European Recovery Fund for 2021-2027, which foresees increased support for health-related actions and senior policy. The investment can also count on support from the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, due to the historic nature of the company's property.

If the Foundation decides to withdraw from the contract, a mechanism is provided to guarantee a full refund of the funds paid. On the other hand, the selling party has committed to adhering to all the terms of the contract and not withdrawing from the transaction within the specified period, provided that the Foundation immediately begins actions to improve the state of the Palace and Park Complex. In the event of withdrawal from the transaction by the Foundation, all costs associated with work on the monument that contribute to its improvement and are properly documented will be settled with the Foundation. Therefore, the Foundation is obliged to document all work accurately, consult with the company, and obtain the company's acceptance of the actions being taken. Upon finalizing the transaction of purchasing shares and making full payment, the Foundation becomes the full owner of the company.

The palace and park complex in Jankowo is not only a valuable architectural monument but also a place with a rich history that can become a driver of regional development. The "Jankowo Renaissance" initiative aims to transform this place into a modern, multifunctional complex that will become the cultural, business, and tourist heart of the region, while paying homage to its historical heritage. The Jankowo Foundation, responsible for the "Jankowo Renaissance", seeks to save this cultural heritage, combining the past with the future in the spirit of serving the community.

This project aims to renovate and adapt the Jankowo Palace so that it becomes a modern center for culture, business, and tourism. Its interiors are planned to include elegant conference and ballrooms equipped with modern multimedia equipment. They will be a venue for prestigious events, conferences, and business meetings. The historical details of the interiors will be restored, combined with modern decorative elements, thus emphasizing the prestige and unique character of the place.

Additionally, the palace will host a restaurant and café, where guests can enjoy their time admiring the beautiful views of the surrounding park. Regular themed evenings, such as concerts or tastings, will be an additional attraction for visitors. The administrative part of the palace will house modern offices and meeting rooms, serving various events. Exhibition and museum halls will present permanent exhibitions dedicated to the history of the region and temporary exhibitions on various topics. The palace will also have lecture halls for lectures, presentations, and educational workshops. The completion will include halls for organizing occasional events, such as weddings or anniversaries, which can be tailored to the individual needs of clients.

This place will attract both residents of the region and visitors from other parts of the country and abroad. Its location in the heart of the region, close to Inowrocław - a spa center, will allow for the organization of various events and activities, both business and touristic, as well as health tourism.

The development of Jankowo Park aims to create a space that harmoniously combines relaxation with education, culture, and physical activity. The central point of the park will be relaxation areas, such as aesthetically designed benches, gazebos, and picnic spots. These thoughtfully arranged rest areas will be located at strategic points in the park, offering great views of the surrounding nature and historical architectural elements.

Tourism and active recreation will be an important aspect of the park's program. Planned are marked walking trails that will lead visitors through the most interesting corners of the park, showcasing its rich history and natural values. These paths will also serve as educational trails, where natural, historical, and artistic workshops will take place. Thus, the park will become a place where education harmoniously combines with recreation.

An outdoor theater is another point in the park's development plan. It will be an open-air stage where various performances, concerts, and other cultural events will take place. Artistic and painting plein airs can also be an attraction for artists. As a result, the park will become an important point on the cultural map of the region.

For the youngest guests of the park, a children's corner is planned. It will be a safe and well-equipped playground, as well as a place for organizing educational activities for children. Thus, families with children will be eager to spend time in the park, enjoying its attractions.

The theme of sports and physical activity will be an integral part of the park's development. Thanks to access to a large lake, various water activities such as kayaking, sailing, or fishing are planned. The huge area of 8 hectares and numerous ponds will be an ideal place for recreational fishing. Additionally, there are plans to create cycling, running, and Nordic walking paths, as well as places for rehabilitation and physical activities. As a result, the park will become a place where physical activity can be combined with relaxation and contemplation of nature.

The development of Jankowo Park would not be complete without including a modern accommodation base, intended to serve both tourists and participants of various events and activities organized within the palace-park complex. In addition to several apartments in the palace, there are plans to place year-round heated Nida-type cottages throughout the park. Nida cottages will be comfortable, fully equipped accommodation spaces, providing guests with everything they need for a restful stay. Each cottage will have modern amenities such as air conditioning, internet access, and a fully equipped kitchen. This will allow guests to enjoy independence and comfort, just like at home.

A tourist information center will be established, offering assistance and support for visitors. Guests will be able to obtain information about the region's tourist attractions, the history of Jankowo, and plan their trips. Additionally, as part of the tourist base, there will be bicycle and water equipment rental, such as kayaks and water bikes, allowing for active leisure in the park and its surroundings. Thanks to the reconstructed marina, visitors will be able to enjoy boat cruises on Lake Pakoskie, stopping in Janikowo.

Special "Holidays for Seniors" will be prepared with health and recreational programs for the elderly. These will include both physical and relaxation activities, such as walking, gymnastics, massages, and relaxation sessions. Thus, seniors will be able to fully enjoy the park's features while caring for their health and well-being.

Special educational stays for children and youth are planned, which will include various workshops, activities, and educational games, allowing younger guests to develop their passions and interests while learning about the history and nature of Jankowo.

All cottages and the infrastructure of the palace and park will be adapted to the needs of people with disabilities. This includes both appropriate interior equipment and the adaptation of outdoor spaces. Additionally, special programs and activities are planned for people with disabilities.

Jankowo Renaissance, wanting to fully utilize the region's therapeutic potential, introduces specialized SPA treatments, brine baths, and sauna to its offer. In the newly built part of the complex, there will be a luxury SPA where guests can enjoy a wide range of relaxation, rejuvenation, and therapeutic treatments. Brine baths, based on natural brines from Inowrocław, are known for their many healing properties. Combined with the SPA treatment offer, Jankowo Renaissance focuses on comprehensive regeneration and care for the health and beauty of its guests.


The "Jankowo Renaissance" project is a vision of the future rooted in the rich history of the region. Its primary goal is to create a place that becomes a magnet for diverse groups of people. Tourism is one of the most important sectors of the economy, and Jankowo has the potential to become a key point in the region. Thanks to its location, historical values, and modern solutions offered by "Jankowo Renaissance", it can attract both history enthusiasts and those looking for modern forms of rest and entertainment. For business people, Jankowo will become a meeting place for conferences and training. Local residents will gain access to culture at the highest level. We believe that the palace and park complex in Jankowo will not only regain its former glory but will also become an important center of culture, business, and tourism. We want "Jankowo Renaissance" to be a symbol of the connection between past and future and to represent the region on the national and international stage.

Financial Model for the Jankowo Project through Initial Coin Offering (ICO) in a Patronage Model


In the digital age, where blockchain is reshaping our perception of value and trust, the Jankowo Foundation presents an innovative model for financing social and cultural projects. Combining deeply rooted traditions with modern solutions, the Jankowo Project harnesses the power of blockchain to achieve its objectives. As part of this initiative, the Jankowo Foundation plans to issue ERC-20 standard tokens on the Ethereum platform, which will be granted to donors as a token of appreciation for their generous support. Through the use of the Initial Coin Offering (ICO) model, the Jankowo Foundation initiates a new era of community-based financing, merging traditional values with the future of technology.

The Jankowo Patronage Token (JPT) is not a financial instrument, a share in the Foundation's assets, or a product for sale. Tokens are a token of our gratitude to donors and are not subject to return. The Jankowo Foundation is also not obligated to repurchase JPT tokens from their holders. These tokens can be offered on exchanges and in B2B sales between holders - patrons, however, the Foundation will not participate in these transactions and will not sell tokens on the exchange. In return for their generous support of our projects, we grant JPT tokens to Donors. These unique tokens not only represent their commitment to our mission but also guarantee access to a range of exclusive benefits and privileges offered by the Foundation.

Thanks to the transparency offered by blockchain technology, every donor is assured that their support is appreciated, and their contribution is protected and used responsibly. The token has become a tool that allows the global community to participate in the rebirth and preservation of Jankowo's heritage.

By supporting the Jankowo Foundation, donors not only contribute to the realization of important social and cultural projects but also become part of a global community of patrons who share a common vision and values. Together, we are creating a future where technology and tradition go hand in hand, and cultural heritage is protected and celebrated in a modern way.

In a world of increasing popularity of blockchain and ICOs, the Jankowo Foundation stands out with its unique approach. By combining traditional funding methods with modern technologies, the Jankowo Foundation is creating a model that could inspire other charitable organizations around the world.

We invite you to join our community and journey together, where tradition meets innovation, and the past connects with the future. Together, we can make a difference and contribute to the rebirth and preservation of Jankowo's heritage for future generations.

In summary, thanks to an innovative financing model based on ICO, the Jankowo Foundation is raising funds for important projects while offering unique benefits to donors. Through this model, the Foundation can count on the support of a community that wants to actively participate in achieving its goals, while receiving value in the form of JPT tokens. The success of the tokenization of the Jankowo Project could become a breakthrough in Europe in the field of heritage financing. If our model proves effective, the Jankowo Foundation intends to expand its activities, adapting our solutions for other projects in Europe and worldwide. Our vision goes beyond Jankowo. We aspire to become a leader in the protection of monuments such as buildings, estates, or castles, which are the essence of European culture. In our activities, we would not only provide patronage over these places but also actively engage in their renovation. Our know-how will be shared with partners to promote cultural heritage together. By supporting us, donors invest in the future of important places in Europe and worldwide, while also benefiting from the Foundation's innovative solutions. As a result, they will have the awareness of participating in a globally-reaching venture. As we expand, JPT tokens will offer even more benefits, emphasizing their unique value in the world of heritage financing.

Definition of JPT Token:

  1. The JPT token, short for Jankowo Patronage Token, is a digital token of appreciation issued by the Jankowo Foundation on the Ethereum platform in the ERC-20 standard. It represents gratitude to donors who have supported the Foundation's initiatives, symbolizing their commitment and support.
  2. Unlike traditional financial instruments, the JPT token does not confer ownership rights or represent a share in the Foundation's assets. It is also not available as a product for purchase in the traditional sense. Instead, it serves as evidence of support for the Foundation's mission. Token holders can participate in its projects and enjoy unique privileges and benefits, including access to events or special products.
  3. The value of the JPT token is closely linked to the success of the Foundation's projects. Although it is not a traditional currency, it holds a market value based on demand and supply. JPT symbolizes an innovative approach to financing, combining traditional methods of community support and volunteering with blockchain technology. This technology ensures that each donor's contribution is permanently recorded and protected. In the event of a project's success involving the rebuilding and launching of the Jankowo complex to function profitably, the token's value accrues proportionally to each JPT token based on the investment profit. With such a mechanism, the value of each JPT token will grow with the progress of the work, and upon completion of the investment, the Jankowo Foundation will offer to buy back tokens at the market price. Each year, the Jankowo Foundation will allocate 30% of the achieved profit for the buyback.
  4. JPT token holders will be able to exchange them for various benefits offered by the Foundation, such as specific privileges and access to exclusive events or special products. This unique approach to rewarding donors fosters stronger relationships and community engagement around the Foundation's projects.
  5. The JPT token is unique and distinctive. Its value is not based on traditional currencies but on the trust of the community and the progress and success of the project. It serves as a bridge connecting traditional support methods with modern blockchain technologies.
  6. JPT token holders will be able to decide on the actions of the Jankowo Foundation through voting on matters presented for votes.

Funding Model:

  1. The funding model based on the JPT token allows donors to receive tokens in exchange for their generous financial support of the Foundation's projects. JPT tokens can be exchanged for various rewards, privileges, and discounts related to the Foundation's activities.
  2. Thanks to blockchain technology, JPT tokens ensure transaction transparency and security, enabling donors to participate in a community based on this technology. The value of the JPT token will dynamically change, depending on market demand and supply, as well as the progress of the Jankowo project.
  3. This approach allows the Foundation to focus on fulfilling its mission while building strong relationships with donors engaged in achieving its goals.
  4. JPT tokens will be available under special conditions described in the White Paper. Their quantity will be limited, ensuring their exclusivity. This model also allows for increased community engagement in the Foundation's activities, which is crucial for the long-term success of the projects.

Token Value:

  1. The value of the JPT token is dynamic and subject to continuous changes, closely related to the progress of the Foundation's projects and the interest in the cryptocurrency market. As the Foundation achieves successes and completes key stages, the value of the token has the potential to increase. For donors, this is an incentive to continue their support, observing the direct impact of their contribution on the development and success of the projects.
  2. The JPT token is not only a measure of donor engagement but also reflects the community's trust in the vision and mission of the Jankowo Foundation. In the world of cryptocurrencies, where volatility is the norm, JPT focuses on stability based on the actual achievements and progress of the Foundation. Although the value of the token is not guaranteed, it is closely related to the number of benefits, privileges, and special offers available to its holders.
  3. Donors should be aware that receiving JPT tokens is a symbolic gesture of gratitude and recognition from the Jankowo Foundation. It is a special way the Foundation expresses its gratitude for the generosity and engagement of donors in fulfilling its mission. It is not a traditional commercial exchange but rather a reflection of a community of values and a shared goal. The Jankowo Foundation emphasizes complete transparency in the use of funds, building and strengthening trust among the community, ensuring that every contribution is valued and properly utilized.
  4. The value of JPT will also be shaped by the Foundation's strategic collaborations with partners from various market sectors. These collaborations can bring additional benefits for token holders, such as access to exclusive events, promotions, or special offers. As the Foundation develops and expands, JPT tokens will be available to donors as part of special initiatives, programs, and offers aimed at the community supporting the Foundation's activities.

Token Supply:

  1. The Jankowo Foundation, considering the specifics of the ICO market, decided to issue a precisely defined number of JPT tokens. This decision resulted from careful analysis and aimed to effectively finance the Jankowo project while meeting the expectations of our community and future donors. The design of the JPT token project ensures that their value is directly proportional to the value of the donation, providing transparency and fairness to all participants.
  2. Limiting the available JPT tokens is a strategic step to emphasize their uniqueness. We believe that this decision will not only distinguish our project from others but also increase the value of the tokens for donors. This strategy ensures that each donor knows their support for the project is properly recognized and appreciated.
  3. The supply of tokens was planned based on the anticipated expenses related to the Jankowo project. This step guarantees the full transparency of our actions and strengthens trust among the community. The financial schedule has been carefully thought out to best meet the actual needs of the project and ensure its success.
  4. Key information about JPT tokens, such as their availability, terms, or specifications, has been detailed in the White Paper. We encourage all potential donors to familiarize themselves with this material on the official ICO Project Jankowo website at, to fully understand our vision, goals, and assumptions of the project.

ICO Period:

  1. The ICO (Initial Coin Offering) period is a crucial phase in which the Jankowo Foundation awards JPT tokens as a symbol of gratitude to donors supporting its objectives. It marks a significant moment for mobilizing the necessary funds to fulfill the Foundation's mission.
  2. During this defined time frame, tokens are allocated to donors. All key information related to the ICO, such as the start date, duration, and characteristics of the token, will be publicly presented well in advance.
  3. The ICO period is also a time for intensive communication and relationship building with potential donors, aimed at increasing their engagement. The ICO campaign will be widely promoted in the media and through dedicated events and webinars.
  4. Donors who choose to support the Foundation during this period will have the opportunity to receive JPT tokens on preferential terms. The ICO has a limited-time nature, emphasizing its uniqueness.
  5. Tokens will be allocated as the ICO progresses, but in the case of a large number of applications, the distribution process may be extended.
  6. During the ICO, donors will be regularly informed about the progress in fundraising and details related to the project. After its completion, participants will be informed about the results achieved and the Foundation's further plans.
  7. JPT tokens will allow access to various benefits offered by the Foundation during the ICO, thanks to a multi-stage approach to project implementation. New benefits will be gradually introduced as the project progresses.

Supply Limit:

  1. The supply limit defines the maximum number of JPT tokens to be issued. By setting this limit, the Jankowo Foundation aims to ensure the exclusivity of JPT tokens and their value for donors. Limiting supply is crucial for maintaining the token's value stability and preventing excessive inflation.
  2. The specific number of tokens available during the ICO will depend on the current financial needs of the project, the progress in its implementation, and the adopted strategy. If the limit is exhausted before the end of the ICO, the sale of tokens will be concluded prematurely.
  3. Maintaining an appropriate supply limit is key to maintaining the trust of the community investing in tokens, believing in their long-term potential. As the project progresses, the value of the token tends to increase. Decisions regarding the supply limit are made considering the community's interests and the Foundation's long-term vision.
  4. Donors are informed about the set supply limit at the start of the ICO, allowing them to plan their investments consciously. This limit ensures that early investors who supported the project at its inception will have priority in purchasing tokens later.
  5. During the project implementation, additional token issuance may be conducted as subsequent stages are reached, but always within the established limit. Donors must be aware of the limited number of available JPT tokens, which may influence their decisions.
  6. JPT tokens can be exchanged for various benefits and privileges offered by the Foundation, both during and after the ICO. Additionally, after the completion of the Jankowo Renaissance project and the realization of profits, a significant portion of the profit will be allocated to repurchase JPT tokens, and donors will be able to sell these tokens back to the Foundation.
  7. As the project progresses, the Foundation will regularly inform about the number of tokens available and any potential burning of tokens if full funding for the project is collected. If the Jankowo Foundation decides to carry out another tokenization project, it will be independent of the JPT token, but benefits from the new project will be available in exchange for JPT tokens. Each JPT token holder will actively participate in making developmental decisions for the Foundation through organized voting.

Token Distribution:

  1. During and after the ICO, JPT tokens will be distributed to donors in an automated, transparent, and fair manner. While this process aims for automated token distribution handling, delays may occur in cases of high interest. Increased interest and the number of participants may require additional time for token distribution.
  2. The Jankowo Foundation meticulously manages the distribution process to ensure that all donors receive their tokens according to the schedule and to provide regular updates on the process's status to the entire community.
  3. Token distribution is based on blockchain technology, ensuring transparency and security of transactions. Tokens are directly transferred to donors' wallets, who have the ability to track the progress of the distribution and receive information about the status of their tokens through dedicated communication channels.
  4. Details of the distribution process are thoroughly described in the project's white paper, allowing donors to monitor progress and ensure that they receive the correct amount of tokens.
  5. Each donor receives tokens proportionate to their contribution, ensuring fairness in the process. All data regarding the number of tokens issued and delivered are publicly available.
  6. In case of questions or issues related to token distribution, ICO participants have the opportunity to contact the Foundation's team for answers and support.


  1. The Jankowo Foundation places a high priority on transparency in managing the project and distributing JPT tokens. All information about the tokens, their distribution, usage, and value is open and accessible to all interested parties.
  2. The Foundation will regularly inform the community about the project's progress, achieved goals, and future plans by publishing reports and updates regarding the status of JPT tokens.
  3. Thanks to blockchain technology, all transactions related to JPT tokens are recorded in a public ledger, ensuring full transparency and verifiability.
  4. Donors and the community have unrestricted access to information, enabling them to track the Foundation's progress in real time. Transparency is fundamental to building trust and relationships with donors and the community, which is essential for the current and future success of the Foundation.
  5. All decisions regarding tokens are made after consulting with donors, taking into account their opinions and needs. The Foundation will actively listen to the feedback and suggestions of its supporters.

No Obligation to Repurchase:

  1. It's essential to understand that JPT tokens represent a voluntary donation, and the Jankowo Foundation is not obligated to repurchase them. These tokens are a symbol of gratitude and can only be exchanged for benefits offered by the Foundation. Despite the lack of an obligation to repurchase JPT tokens, the Foundation will allocate a portion of its profit each year to buy back tokens from holders.
  2. The decision to support the project should be based on belief in its value, not financial expectations. Therefore, it's recommended to familiarize oneself with the Foundation's goals before deciding to support.
  3. Tokens symbolize support for the Foundation and promote its ideals and projects, not serving as a means to generate profits. JPT tokens provide access to benefits and privileges but do not guarantee a financial return on investment or serve as a speculative financial instrument.
  4. Although JPT tokens have a market value, they are not recognized as a financial instrument and are not subject to market regulations. Token holders have complete freedom to decide their fate.
  5. The Jankowo Foundation will collaborate with partners to provide as many benefits as possible to JPT token holders. The lack of an obligation to repurchase is a key element of the Foundation's strategy, aimed at ensuring the long-term value of JPT tokens and building trust among donors.

No Return:

  1. Donations made to the Jankowo Foundation are unconditional, final, irrevocable, and intended to support the statutory goals of the Foundation. In return for their support, donors receive JPT tokens as a token of gratitude. The JPT tokens, representing this support, also cannot be returned or exchanged for cash.
  2. The Jankowo Foundation commits to using the collected funds effectively, responsibly, and in accordance with its declared mission and goals while maintaining complete transparency.
  3. The decision to support the Foundation should be voluntary and made with a full understanding of the terms and commitments involved.
  4. Donors are encouraged to follow the progress of the project and to take advantage of the benefits associated with owning JPT tokens.
  5. All decisions regarding the use of funds will be made in consultation with donors and the community, and progress on the project will be regularly reported.
  6. The non-returnability of JPT tokens is a crucial element of the Foundation's strategy, aimed at ensuring the long-term value of the tokens and building trust among donors.

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